Data publikacji:
21.11.2013 21:38
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Euro Atlantic B763 at Amsterdam on Nov 20th 2013, engine surge on departure, continued across Atlantic
An Euro Atlantic Airways Boeing 767-300 on behalf of Suriname Airways, registration CS-TFT performing flight PY-993 from Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Paramaribo (Suriname), was in the initial climb out of Amsterdam's runway 24 when the right hand engine emitted a huge bang heard by witnesses on the ground as well as passengers and cabin crew on board of the aircraft and streaks of flame indicative of an engine surge. The crew as well as air traffic control maintained routine communication not mentioning any anomaly whatsoever, the aircraft climbed straight to FL300 without any delay and continued the journey across the Atlantic for a safe landing at Paramaribo about 9 hours later.
The aircraft was grounded in Paramaribo over safety concerns regarding the engine. The return flight PY-994 of Nov 20th was cancelled.
Suriname Airways reported their own A340 was out of service for a routine C check, hence the Boeing 767-300 conducted the flight. A Suriname Airways crew deadheading on the aircraft told the airline that a bang and flash was heard from the right hand engine on departure from Amsterdam, the captain subsequently informed passengers that it was safe to continue with no abnormal engine indications. Suriname Airways however is convinced that EuroAtlantic has to do some comprehensive report and provide answers regarding quality assurance. The airline initiated a safety investigation by Suriname's Safety Department in cooperation with Euro Atlantic Airways. Another airline's Boeing 777 has been leased in to conduct further flights, the passengers of the cancelled PY-994 have been rebooked onto flights on Nov 22nd and 23rd.
Thanks to, who first made Thorsten Urbanek's photos public and made The Aviation Herald aware of the occurrence.
The aircraft a few moments before the engine surge (Photo: Thorsten Urbanek):
The engine surge (Photo: Thorsten Urbanek):

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