Thomson B738 at Lanzarote and Fuerteventura on Aug 22nd 2013, fuel emergency
A Thomson Airways Boeing 737-800, registration G-FDZG performing flight BY-4460 from London Gatwick,EN (UK) to Lanzarote,CI (Spain) with 169 passengers and 7 crew, was on a VOR approach to Lanzarote's runway 03 circling runway 21 when after turning final to runway 21 a sudden wind change destabilized the aircraft and prompted the crew to go around. The crew subsequently decided to divert to Fuerteventura and declared emergency due to landing with final fuel reserve intact was no longer ensured. The aircraft climbed to 5000 feet enroute to Fuerteventura, the crew performed a visual approach to Fuerteventura and landed safely about 25 minutes after going around at Lanzarote.
Spain's CIAIAC put up notice on Nov 4th 2013, that an investigation into the occurrence has been opened (editorial note: suggesting that landing may have been below final fuel reserve).
On Sep 11th 2014 Spain's CIAIAC released an interim statement detailing the progress of the investigation. In this statement the CIAIAC reported that the crew prepared for a VOR approach to runway 03 at Lanzarote. While on the downwind the crew received instruction to fly over the LTE VOR and perform a VOR approach to runway 21 as dictated by wind changes. After the aircraft had been established on final to runway 21 a sudden change in wind destabilized the approach prompting the crew to initiate a go around. Runway 03 became active again causing problems in Lanzarote's approach sector due to proximity of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura Airport and certain runway configurations affecting maneouvering. ATC sent the arriving aircraft into different holding patterns to route the traffic.
Due to the problem with the approach to Lanzarote the crew decided to divert to Fuerteventura and was cleared for a visual approach to Fuerteventura. As the fuel remaining was approaching reserve fuel the crew declared Mayday and continued for a safe landing, the passengers disembarked normally.
The investigation so far focussed on analysis of the go around maneouver and coordination between crew members as well as analysis of aircraft and crew performance using quick access recorder data, radar data, company documentation and instructions received. In addition the investigation analysed the actions of the air traffic controllers at Lanzarote and Fuertaventura, weather data and the problems specific to the approach sector.
The investigation is currently waiting for Enaire (former AENA Air Navigation) to approve mitigating measures intended to resolve the problems identified in the Canaries Approach Sector.
The final report draft is in an advanced phase.![Facebook](/themes/custom/dlapilota/images/icons/socialmedia_ico_facebook.png)