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Alitalia B772 over Atlantic on Apr 30th 2014, engine shut down in flight

An Alitalia Boeing 777-200, registration EI-ISA performing flight AZ-630 from Rome Fiumicino (Italy) to Miami,FL (USA), was enroute at FL380 about half way between Bermuda Islands and Miami when the crew needed to shut the right hand engine (GE90) down due to vibrations. The aircraft performed Oceanic Contingency Procedures, drifted down FL260 and continued to Miami. On approach the crew requested an ILS approach to runway 08R with a longer than normal final and was vectored for the approach, when just before being cleared for the approach to controller advised the localizer runway 08R was out of service, the crew reacted surprised. A few seconds later the controller advised the localizer was operable prompting the reply "thanks God" by the crew. The aircraft landed safely on runway 08R about 90 minutes after leaving FL380 and taxied to the apron.

A passenger reported the aircraft began to shudder about 1.5 hours before estimated time of landing. Cabin crew peered out to check the engines, subsequently the right hand engine was shut down, the aircraft turned right for about 10-15 minutes while descending to FL260 before resuming the track direct towards Miami. The aircraft was received by emergency vehicles.
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