Westjet B737 at Calgary on Nov 19th 2013, flaps asymmetry
A Westjet Boeing 737-700, registration C-GWJT performing flight WS-605 from Ottawa,ON to Calgary,AB (Canada) with 82 people on board, was on approach to Calgary's runway 29 when the crew selected the flaps to 15 degrees but noticed the flaps stopped moving at about 10 degrees. The crew executed a missed approach, declared emergency and worked the trailing edge flaps disagree checklist. When the crew attempted to extend the flaps using the alternate system the left hand flaps extended to 15 degrees while the right hand flaps remained at 10 degrees. Not noticing any significant roll issues the crew continued for a safe landing on runway 35L at a slightly higher than normal speed about 30 minutes after aborting the first approach.
The Canadian TSB reported the right hand flaps position transmitted was replaced.
