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SAS A343 near Copenhagen on Dec 26th 2013, suspected fuel leak

A SAS Scandinavian Airlines Airbus A340-300, registration OY-KBM performing flight SK-973 from Copenhagen (Denmark) to Bangkok (Thailand) with 237 passengers, was climbing out of Copenhagen's runway 04R when the crew stopped the climb at FL100 reporting they suspected a fuel leak from their instrument readings. The aircraft entered a hold for about 15 minutes and returned to Copenhagen for a safe landing on runway 04R about 35 minutes after departure.

The incident aircraft was able to depart again after about 2.5 hours on the ground and reached Bangkok with a delay of 3 hours.

The airline confirmed the aircraft returned to Copenhagen after the crew suspected a fuel leak based on their instrument readings. The aircraft was examined after landing, refueled and was able to depart again.
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