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Nowości w załącznikach ICAO - sprawdź zmiany istotne dla branży

8 listopada 2018 roku weszło wiele zmian w następujących Załącznikach ICAO: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14 oraz oczywiście 15. Zmiany dotyczą całości sektora lotniczego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kwestii licencjonowania operatorów bezzałogowych statków powietrznych, wprowadzenia serwisów pogodowych, nowej technologii nawigacyjnej przyszłości - GBAS, systemu ACAS, monitorowania wdrażania zaleceń bezpieczeństwa i wielu innych kwestii.

W zakresie Załącznika 15 - Służby Informacji Lotniczej - zmiany są wręcz rewolucyjne - cały załącznik został całkowicie zmieniony.

Spis treści Annex Amendments 2018:

  • Introduction of remote pilot licence and the provision for the regulation of RPASlicensing to support international flights operating under IFR.
  • Amendment as a result of proposed amendments to Annex 1 relating to RPAS
  • Consequential amendment concerning change of references related to the provision of aeronautical information service
  • Introduction of space weather advisory information services; improvement of the provision of SIGMET  information by  meteorological watch  offices (MWOS);  information on the release  of radioactive material into  the atmosphere; SIGMET  and AIRMET information; modifications of IWXXM  representations of  information; and aeronautical meteorological personnel  qualification and  competency, education and training.
  • Consequential amendment to address the revised definition and description of "Procedure altitude/height"
  • Airborne image recordings, flight data recorder parameter lists and the simplification of flight recorder SARPs
  • Amendment as a result of the restructuring of PANS - OPS, Vol I
  • Approval and global recognition of AMOs (Phase I and II) and provisions linked to EAMR framework
  • Guidance on RFFS and helicopter refueling
  • Harmonization and alignment of fatigue management SARPs
  • Security of flight crew compartment
  • Halon replacement in civil aircraft cargo compartment fire suppression systems
  • Continuing airworthiness SARPs concerning: Suspension and revocation of Type Certificate; Security Sensitive Airworthiness Directives; transfer and suspension and revocation of a type certificate; and Eligibility, issuance and continued validity of a Certificate of Airworthiness
  • Design Standards for light aircraft under 750 kg; applicability of Annex 8, Part IIIB to single - engine aeroplanes over 5 700 kg; stall warning Standards; and Standards for the applicability of weight limitations for all aircraft for cargo compartment protection.
  • Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and instrument landing system (ILS)
  • Ground - based augmentation system (GBAS), satellite - based augmentation system (SBAS) and the strategy for introduction and application of non - visual aids to approach landing
  • Radiotelephony procedures
  • Surveillance and airborne collision avoidance systems (ACAS)
  • Access to evidential material during investigation and monitoring the progress of safety recommendations
  • Modifications of aerodrome design specifications in Chapters 3 and 4
  • Restructure of Annex 15 to facilitate incorporation of AIM requirements and changes to the technical content of Annex 15 to facilitate the transition from AIS to AIM environments
  • Space weather information

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