KTL AOPA Poland porównuje standardowe dokumenty 154
KTL AOPA Poland zebrała i porównała standardowe dokumenty numer 154 stosowane przez wybrane urzędy nadzoru lotniczego w Europie.
JAA System:
Under the JAA system, there are three types of approved pilot training organizations:
1. FTO - which trains individuals for the ATPL, CPL or PPL,
2. TRTO - which provides type rating training, and/or Multi-Crew Co-operation training, and/or synthetic flight instruction to pilots already holding a license;
3. Facilities, or sub-contracted facilities, provided by an operator or a manufacturer - which provide Type and Class rating training to pilots already holding a license (see JAR-FCL 1.261(c)).
Źródło: General Philosophies Behind FAA and JAA Pilot Licensing Systems
JAR-FCL 1.261 (c) Conduct of training courses
(1) Training courses for the above purpose shall be conducted by a FTO or a TRTO. Training courses may also be conducted by a facility or a sub-contracted facility provided by an operator or a manufacturer or, in special circumstances, by an individually authorised instructor.
(2) Such courses shall be approved by the Authority (see AMC FCL 1.261(c)(2)) and such facilities shall meet the relevant requirements of Appendix 2 to JAR–FCL 1.055, as determined by the Authority. For Zero Flight time Training (ZFTT) see Appendix 1 to JAR-FCL 1.261 (c)(2)).
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) above, training courses for a single engine aeroplane class rating or touring motor glider class rating may be conducted
by an FI or a CRI.

„Training courses for the above purpose shall be conducted by a FTO or a TRTO. Training courses may also be conducted by a facility or a sub-contracted facility provided by an operator or a manufacturer or, in special circumstances, by an individually authorised instructor. ” jest w części druku 154 'applicant'.
Standardowy dokument 154 stosowany przez Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego. Kolorem czerwonym zaznaczono różnice pomiędzy standardowym dokumentem JAA.

Litewski standardowy dokument numer 154 (zgodny z drukiem 154 JAA)

Norweski standardowy dokument numer 154 (zgodny z drukiem 154 JAA)

Niemiecki standardowy dokument numer 154 (zgodny z drukiem 154 JAA)

Szwajcarski standardowy dokument numer 154 (zgodny z drukiem 154 JAA)

JAA System:
Under the JAA system, there are three types of approved pilot training organizations:
1. FTO - which trains individuals for the ATPL, CPL or PPL,
2. TRTO - which provides type rating training, and/or Multi-Crew Co-operation training, and/or synthetic flight instruction to pilots already holding a license;
3. Facilities, or sub-contracted facilities, provided by an operator or a manufacturer - which provide Type and Class rating training to pilots already holding a license (see JAR-FCL 1.261(c)).
Źródło: General Philosophies Behind FAA and JAA Pilot Licensing Systems
JAR-FCL 1.261 (c) Conduct of training courses
(1) Training courses for the above purpose shall be conducted by a FTO or a TRTO. Training courses may also be conducted by a facility or a sub-contracted facility provided by an operator or a manufacturer or, in special circumstances, by an individually authorised instructor.
(2) Such courses shall be approved by the Authority (see AMC FCL 1.261(c)(2)) and such facilities shall meet the relevant requirements of Appendix 2 to JAR–FCL 1.055, as determined by the Authority. For Zero Flight time Training (ZFTT) see Appendix 1 to JAR-FCL 1.261 (c)(2)).
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) above, training courses for a single engine aeroplane class rating or touring motor glider class rating may be conducted
by an FI or a CRI.

„Training courses for the above purpose shall be conducted by a FTO or a TRTO. Training courses may also be conducted by a facility or a sub-contracted facility provided by an operator or a manufacturer or, in special circumstances, by an individually authorised instructor. ” jest w części druku 154 'applicant'.
Standardowy dokument 154 stosowany przez Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego. Kolorem czerwonym zaznaczono różnice pomiędzy standardowym dokumentem JAA.

Litewski standardowy dokument numer 154 (zgodny z drukiem 154 JAA)

Norweski standardowy dokument numer 154 (zgodny z drukiem 154 JAA)

Niemiecki standardowy dokument numer 154 (zgodny z drukiem 154 JAA)

Szwajcarski standardowy dokument numer 154 (zgodny z drukiem 154 JAA)

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