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UPS B744 at Anchorage on Mar 11th 2014, blew tyres and damaged gear doors on landing

A UPS United Parcel Service Boeing 747-400 freighter, registration N581UP performing flight 5X-63 from Hong Kong (China) to Anchorage,AK (USA), landed on Anchorage's runway 15 without prior indication of problems, rolled out and vacated the runway.

The FAA reported the aircraft blew a number of tyres and a number of gear doors separated while landing at Anchorage.

Tower advised the next arrival landing on runway 15 that the prior arrival reported a 10 knots loss of wind at short final below 500 feet. The arrival confirmed the loss of 10 knots at 150 feet AGL due to wind. The aircraft was subsequently advised there might be foreign objects on taxiway R and was instructed to turn off the runway to the right (not left) onto taxiway W, then via taxiway Y to the cargo ramp.

The next arrival to runway 15 got their landing clearance cancelled and opted to circle onto runway 07L.

A runway inspection found large foreign objects on runway 15.
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