American MD82 at Dallas on Sep 29th 2014, blew tyre on takeoff
An American Airlines McDonnell Douglas MD-82, registration N474 performing flight AA-1654 from Dallas Ft. Worth,TX to Baltimore,MD (USA), departed Dallas Ft. Worth's runway 17R. After checking in with departure the crew reported they had a smell of rubber and wondered whether they possibly blew a nose tyre. The crew advised, they would lower the gear and requested a runway inspection on 17R and a low approach to Dallas to have tower have a look whether they could see any damage. The crew stopped the climb at 3000 feet and positioned for a low approach to Ft. Worth's runway 17R. Following the overflight the crew climbed the aircraft to 6000 feet and entered a hold to burn off fuel. The aircraft landed safely back about two hours after departure.
The FAA reported the aircraft involved was a MD-88 registration N973TW, which blew a tyre on departure from Dallas Ft. Worth, that aircraft is actually a MD-83, has been put into storage in March 2014 and has not flown since. N474 showed in the radar data.
A replacement MD-82 registration N455AA reached Baltimore with a delay of 4:15 hours.