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Szczegóły dotyczące Światowego Zgromadzenia IAOPA w Pekinie

Jak informuje Stowarzyszenie AOPA, w dniach od 9 do 15 września w Pekinie ma się odbyć cykliczne Światowe Zgromadzenie Organizacji. W związku z tym faktem, chiński oddział AOPA stworzył stronę internetową w języku angielskim, gdzie opublikował wszelkie szczegóły dotyczące tego wydarzenia.

Witryna zawiera szczegółowy program i wszystkie użyteczne informacje na temat samego Zgromadzenia, a także systemu rejestracji, wymogów wizowych, zakwaterowania oraz programów dla osób towarzyszących. W przypadku jakichkolwiek pytań, należy się kontaktować z AOPA China za pośrednictwem strony internetowej - wystarczy postępować zgodnie z instrukcjami zawartymi w linku "information”.

Agenda spotkania:

9 września

12:00-18:00 On-site Registration (Hotel Lobby)
18:00-18:30 Opening Remarks (including sponsors’ promo) - Moderator: Angela Guo, Deputy Secretary General, AOPA China. Guest speakers: Mark Baker, President of IAOPA, Wei Dai, Deputy Secretary General of Beijing municipal government, Jun Han, Head of the International Affairs of CAAC
18:30-20:30 Cocktail Reception-Kunlun Hotel -JADE LOUNGE

10 września
World Assembly & China’s Low-altitude Economy Summit
08:30-09:00 Networking/Coffee/Registration
09:00-09:35 Welcome introduction, Moderator: Feng Zhang –Secretary General, AOPA-China, Guest speakers: Siwei Chen, former vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Zhiqing Wang, Deputy Director of of CAAC, Wei Dai, Deputy Secretary General of Beijing municipal government, Mark Baker, President of IAOPA, Delegates from ICAO
09:35-09:45 Delegate Roll call, Craig Spence, Secretary General, IAOPA
09:45-10:00 Vice President IAOPA the World Assembly Advocate, Jianhua Hao- Vice President of AOPA China and IAOPA Asian Regional Vice President
10:00-11:20 Panel1: Keynote speech: Trend of General Aviation Global Development, Moderator: Steve Brown, Vice President, NBAA, Hu Yang, deputy director of National Air Traffic Control Committee, Topic: Status and Reforms of China's Low-altitude Airspace, Kai Zhu, General Representative of GAMA (General Aviation Manufacturers Association) China, Topic: Global aviation manufacturers ‘expectation to Chinese market, Topic: Importance of Aviation Insurance to General Aviation, Yongqi Li, Chairman of AUIB (Air Union Insurance Brokers), Dongyuan Guan –EMBRAER, Topic: The development of foreign aviation manufacture in China
11:20-11:30 Tea Break (including sponsors’ promo)
11:30-12:30 Panel2: Keynote speech: Challenges and Opportunities for General Aviation Development, Moderator: Angela Guo, Deputy Secretary General, AOPA China, Feng Zhang, Secretary General, AOPA-China, Topic: The Development of China’s General Aviation and AOPA-China, Representative of SOS, Topic: General Aviation and emergency-rescue developments in China, Weidong Yu, Head of Hexigten County, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, Topic: General Aviation is a new tourism mode in China
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:20 Panel3: General Aviation and Development of Community Airport, Panel Moderator: Martin Robinson, Vice President, IAOPA,
13:30-14:50 Keynote Speech, Michael Erb, Managing Director of AOPA Germany, Topic: Community Airports, Yihang Yang, Deputy Director General Investment Promotion Agency of MOFCOM (The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic), China, Topic: International cooperation of General Aviation and local development opportunities- Confirmed, Yi Zhao, Official of Wichita Municipal Government, US Topic: General Aviation and Urban Development, Yuanyang Gao, Director of General Aviation Industry Research Center of Beihang University, Topic: Development Outlook of China’s Low-altitude Economy and Aviation Industry
14:50-15:20 Panel Discussion
15:20-16:40 Panel4: Flight Training and Aviation Safety, Panel Moderator: Craig Spence, Secretary General, IAOPA, Pilots – Learning to fly
15:20-16:20 Keynote Speech, Delegates from CAAC, Topic: Effective Flight Training Regulations in China, Reggie Arsenault, Director General Aviation of Jeppesen, Topic: Significance of Flight Training on Aviation Safety, Quan Gong, Manager of Flying-Dragon General Aviation Company, Topic: Operations of Flight Training Schools
16:20-16:40 Panel Discussion
16:40-17:00 Tea Break (including sponsors’ promo)
17:00-17:40 Panel5:Spirit of Flying, Panel Moderator: YubaoKe, Executive Secretary General, AOPA-China, Wei Chen, the first Chinese Citizen to circumnavigate the globe in a single engine plane. He is also the first person to fly into Beijing Capital Airport in a single engine plane and the first Chinese Citizen to fly around the globe through China’s restricted airspace, Topic: Sharing of Flying Experience, ARINORI YAMAGATA, Vice President of AOPA-Japan, Topic: The global pilots’ common flying dream, Launch ceremony of the bonus (RMB One million) to the first Chinese female pilot who can circumnavigate the globe
17:40-17:50 Assembly Summary- Craig Spence
18:30- 20:30 Dinner – Kunlun Hotel

11 września
World Assembly delegates: Aviation Site Visit, Tour above the Great Wall by Flying. Weather backup: visit the local museum, such as civil aviation museum and so on

12 września
World Assembly
08:30-09:00 Networking/Coffee/Registration
09:00-10:30 Panel 7: The Impact of Regulations on General Aviation, Moderator: Kevin Psutka, Canadian Owners and Pilots Association, Participants: Frank Hoffman – ICAO, Delegates of CAAC
Jacob Pedersen - AOPA Denmark, EU Ops
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Panel 8: Building Membership through Effective Communication, Moderator – Martin Robinson, Vice President, IAOPA, Guest speakers: Jacques Callies, AOPA France, Patrick Malone ,General Aviation magazine, Dongfang Yu, Deputy Secretary General, AOPA China
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Closed Session of IAOPA Board
14:00-14:20 ICAO Update - Frank Hofmann
14:20-14:40 Policy Manual - Update (Distribute on Memory stick)
14:40-15:00 Internal Communication and Coordination - Daniel Affolter, President AOPA Switzerland
15:00-15:10 Finance and Governance Committee - Craig Spence
15:10-15:30 Tea Break
15:30-15:35 Introduction and Presentation of Resolutions - Craig Spence
15:35-16:35 Presentation of proposed resolutions and voting-John Yodice
18:00-22:00 Gala Dinner–Beijing LAN CLUB

13 września
World Assembly
08:30-09:00 Networking/Coffee/Registration
09:00-11:00 Continuation of resolutions
11:00-12:00 Closing Session, Summary - Craig Spence, Invitation of Tender for 2016 World Assembly, voting on next host offer, Closing remarks - Mark Baker

2014 IAOPA World Assembly Closed

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