Starbow B462 at Accra on Oct 28th 2014, hydraulic failure
A Starbow Airlines British Aerospace BAe 146-200, registration 9G-SBD performing flight S9-124 from Accra to Takoradi (Ghana) with 77 people on board, was climbing out of Accra when during gear retraction a hydraulic failure occurred causing the right main hand gear to not completely retract. The crew stopped the climb at 6000 feet and decided to return to Accra but were unable to extend the flaps forcing a flaps up landing, the gear was lowered and locked via alternate extension. The aircraft landed safely at a higher speed than normal and stopped on the runway, sparks, flames and smoke was observed from the landing gear prompting the crew to perform an evacuation of the aircraft via slides while emergency services cooled down the brakes. Two occupants received minor injuries in the evacuation.
The airline confirmed a hydraulic failure resulting in a high speed landing during which the brakes overheated causing smoke to be seen by emergency services. Their observation prompted the crew to evacuate the aircraft. Two passengers received minor injuries in the evacuation.
The occurrence has created conflicting reports by Ghana's Ministry of Transport who reported the airline would not fly again and Ghana's Civil Aviation Authority pointing out that the airline can not be grounded as their AOC has not yet expired. The airline is free to lease other aircraft to perform their flights (indirectly suggesting that their current fleet has been grounded over concerns of safety).
