FAQ: Skończyły mi się badania lotniczo-lekarskie klasy 1. Ile mam dni aby je odnowić "standardową" procedurą?
Zgodnie z JAR-FCL 3 Amendment 5 (Flight Crew Licensing - Medical) termin odnowienia badań lotniczo lekarskich na "standardowych" zasadach wynosi:
- do 90 dni dla klasy 1
Należy jednak pamiętać, że ostateczną decyzję o formule i zakresie badań lotniczo-lekarskich podejmuje lekarz orzecznik.
Appendix 1 to JAR–FCL 3.105
Validity [period/transfer] of medical [records for Class 1 and Class 2 renewal]
(See JAR–FCL 3.105)
1 Class 1
(a) If a licence holder allows his Medical Certificate to expire by more than five years, renewal
shall require an initial or extended, at AMS discretion, aeromedical examination, performed at an AMC
which has obtained his relevant medical records. [ ]
(b) If a licence holder allows his Medical Certificate to expire by more than two years but less than
five years, renewal shall require the prescribed standard or extended examination to be performed at an
AMC which has obtained his relevant medical records, or by an AME at the discretion of the AMS,
subject to the records of medical examinations for flight crew licences being made available to the
medical examiners.
(c) If a licence holder allows his certificate to expire by more than 90 days but less than two years,
renewal shall require the prescribed standard or extended examination to be performed at an AMC, or by
an AME at the discretion of the AMS.
(d) If a licence holder allows his certificate to expire by less than 90 days, renewal shall be
possible by standard or extended examination as prescribed.
2 Class 2
(a) If an Instrument Rating is added to the licence, pure tone audiometry must have been performed within the last 60 months if the licence holder is 39 years of age or younger, and within the last 24 months if the licence holder is 40 years of age or older.
(b) If a licence holder allows his Medical Certificate to expire by more than five years, renewal shall require an initial aeromedical examination. Prior to the certificate issue the relevant medical records shall be obtained by the AME.
(c) If a licence holder allows his Medical Certificate to expire by more than two years but less than five years, renewal shall require the prescribed examination to be performed. Prior to the examination the relevant medical records shall be obtained by the AME.
(d) If a licence holder allows his certificate to expire by less than two years, renewal shall require
the prescribed examination to be performed.
An extended aeromedical examination shall always be considered to contain a standard aeromedical examination and thus count both as a standard and an extended examination.
