Corpflite D228 near Vina del Mar on Sep 9th 2013, impacted ground short of runway
A Corpflite Dornier DO-228, registration CC-CNW performing a positioning flight from Los Pelambres [SCNK] to Vina del Mar (Chile) with 2 crew, was on approach to Vina del Mar from the south in fog and poor visibility when the aircraft contacted a power line and trees and fell to the ground about 7km (3.8nm) short of runway 05 at about 09:45L (12:45Z). Both pilots perished in the crash, the aircraft was destroyed.
The aircraft was about to pick up passengers at Vina del Mar.
City emergency services reported that traffic near the roundabout at Santa Julia needed to be diverted for rescue and recovery works, a number of residents in Chilquinta were without power due to the cut power lines.
On Nov 20th 2013 Germany's BFU reported in their monthly bullein that the aircraft was on a "ILS-Localizer" approach to runway 05 when it got too low and contacted ground. The BFU, representing the state of manufacture, is participating in the investigation by Chile's Authorities.
Vina del Mar features a runway 05/23 of 5760 feet/1760 meters length, an ILS approach is available for runway 05.
SCVM 091700Z 34012KT 1500 BR OVC005 14/13 Q1020=
SCVM 091600Z 34013KT 0800 FG OVC002 13/12 Q1019=
SCVM 091500Z /////KT 0400 FG VV/// 13/12 Q1018=
SCVM 091400Z /////KT 0600 FG OVC002 13/12 Q1017=
SCVM 091300Z /////KT 0800 FG OVC005 13/09 Q1014=
SCVM 091200Z 30007KT 8000 SCT010 BKN090 13/09 Q1014=
SCVM 091100Z 26004KT 9999 SCT090 13/06 Q1013=
SCVM 091000Z 00000KT 9999 FEW090 14/08 Q1012=
SCVM 090900Z 15004KT 9999 FEW090 15/07 Q1011=
SCVM 090800Z 23005KT 9999 SCT090 16/09 Q1011=
Related NOTAMs:
B0739/13 - GLIDE SLOPE RWY05 FREQ 330.2 MHZ U/S AFFECTS MIN APCH ILS EXRAY AND ILS YANKIE. 05 SEP 20:23 2013 UNTIL 13 SEP 21:30 2013. CREATED: 05 SEP 20:23 2013
B0701/13 - ILS/LLZ RWY05 FREQ 110.7 MHZ/CH44X OPRG WO SRY EQPT. 28 AUG 21:53 2013 UNTIL 27 SEP 22:20 2013. CREATED: 28 AUG 21:53 2013
B0700/13 - L SAL FREQ 390 KHZ U/S NOT AVBL AFFECTS IAC-1 IAC-4 IFR APCH. 28 AUG 21:07 2013 UNTIL 27 SEP 22:20 2013. CREATED: 28 AUG 21:07 2013
CC-CNW in its final position (Photo: M. Eduardo Cantarero):
Map (Graphics: AVH/Google Earth):
SCVM ILS Y approach runway 05 (Graphics: AIP Chile):
SCVM Visual Approach Chart (Graphics: AIP Chile):
